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Safe box

Martin and Juan store a treasure in a security box with a special alarm. Each of them has a button that they must press at the same time as their brother to deactivate the alarm. This way, if someone steals one button from either of them, they cannot deactivate the alarm without the other button!

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Intermediate activity; Logical Operators: Nested Conditionals; Events; Main Loop; Tilt Sensor; Sound Player; Cybersecurity.

What are we going to do?

Are you a teacher?

Lesson Plan


  • Grades 3-12
  • Courses 3rd grade – 12th grade


  • 3 cellphones, tablets, or computers
  • Internet connection
  • Pizza box (to simulate the security box)
  • Treasure (something to place in the box)


In this activity, students can experiment in an introductory way with Protobject, learning visual programming and computer science with a safe and playful device.

Educational Objectives

  • Understand the concepts of “visual programming” and “prototype.”
  • Create a technological object (prototype) using a device.
  • Identify relationships between technology and the surrounding world.
  • Evaluate personal and peer work in individual or team tasks.
  • Engage in dialogue and reflection on ideas for improvement.

Beginning (10 minutes)

Welcome the students to the class and briefly introduce the day’s activity:

Today, we are going to do a very fun activity: creating a security box with a special alarm.

Martín and Juan are two brothers who have a treasure. They keep it in a security box with a special alarm. Each of them has a button. To deactivate the alarm, they need to press both buttons at the same time. This way, if someone stole a button from one of them, they couldn’t deactivate the alarm without the other button.

We will start the class by providing technical knowledge to the students for meaningful learning of the practical activity.

To begin the class, we can start with a question:
Has anyone heard about Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is like a shield that protects your computer, your phone, and your data from bad people who want to steal or harm them.

In the world, there are good people and bad people. Some bad people use computer viruses to steal or damage your computer or phone. Some good people use cybersecurity to protect themselves or help others.

Did you know that one of the best ways to protect yourself is to use strong passwords? Do you know why?

On the Internet, we have many accounts that store our information, like our name, email, or photos. These accounts have a secret key called a password. A strong password is one that nobody can easily guess or break, because if someone does, they can steal or harm you. Imagine having a safe where you keep your favorite toys, your money, and your secrets. To open the safe, you need to know a password that only you know. If your password is too simple, like your name or your birthdate, someone could guess it and open the safe without your permission. They could then steal your things, damage them, or read your secrets. You wouldn’t like that, would you? That’s why it’s important to have a hard-to-guess password and not share it with anyone. This way, you can protect your safe and what’s inside it.

What if a villain steals your password? Did you know there are other ways to improve security, even if someone steals your password?

This is two-factor authentication, which is like a second password that helps you protect your online account. For example, if you want to access your email account, you first enter your regular password. Then, you receive a message on your phone or email with a code that you also have to enter. That code is the two-factor authentication. This way, you make sure that no one else can access your account even if they know your regular password.

The security box we are going to make today works a bit like two-factor authentication. If someone steals Martin’s button, they can’t deactivate the alarm without Juan’s button. That way, the treasure is much safer!

Finally, to initiate the prototyping process and make them feel like the heroes of their learning, ask them:
Who wants to learn to prototype such a special security box and be a hero today?

To start the process, it’s essential to understand how the logical operator AND works.

Let’s remember that booleans are another type of logical data that has two possible values:

TRUE (true)
FALSE (false)

When we create conditionals, we are always testing conditions: if this is true (TRUE), then do this, otherwise (FALSE) do something else.

AND helps us manage multiple conditions at the same time.

It works like this:

AND (All conditions must be met)

Juanita is a woman AND Pedro is a man = TRUE
Juanita is a woman AND Pedro is a woman = FALSE

(See examples in the activity)

Development (20-30 minutes)

Connect our devices to the Protobject platform. This will allow us to add various components on different devices to build a security box that can (de)activate an alarm through their interaction.

To perform the practical part of the activity, follow the steps in the “Prototyping” section. Remember to experiment on your own beforehand before asking students to experiment with Protobject. This way, you can anticipate any questions that may arise from the students.

Closure (5-10 minutes)

Now that you have completed the activity, interact with the students based on the following points:

Is anyone interested in becoming a programmer in the field of cybersecurity in the future?
In what other ways could we create a security box?
What types of methods do you know for dealing with malicious attacks caused by malicious agents who want to steal our information?

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Have you heard about Cybersecurity?
Cybersecurity is like a shield that protects your computer, your phone, and your data from malicious individuals who want to steal or harm them.

In the world, there are good people and bad people

Some bad people use computer viruses to steal or damage your computer or your phone.
Some good people use cybersecurity to protect themselves or help others.

How to protect yourself? Secure passwords!

Do you know that one of the best ways to protect yourself is to use strong passwords?

On the internet, we have many accounts that store our information, such as our name, email address, or photos. These accounts have a secret key called a password.

A strong password is one that nobody can easily guess or break because if someone does, they could steal from us or harm us. Imagine you have a safe where you keep your money and secrets. To open the safe, you need a password that only you know.

If your password is too simple, like your name or your date of birth, someone could guess it and open the safe without your permission. They could then steal your things, damage them, or read your secrets.

You wouldn’t like that, would you? That’s why it’s important that your password is difficult to guess, and you don’t share it with anyone. This way, you can protect your safe and what’s inside.

What if your password gets stolen?

Do you know that there are other ways to enhance security, even if your password is stolen?

This is two-factor authentication, which is like a second password that helps protect your online accounts. For example, if you want to access your email account, you first enter your regular password. Then, you receive a message on your phone or email with a code that you also need to enter.

That code is two-factor authentication. This way, you make sure that no one else can access your account even if they know your regular password.

Two-Factor Safe!

The safe we’re going to build today works a bit like two-factor authentication.

If someone steals Martin’s button, they can’t deactivate the alarm without Juan’s button. That way, the treasure is much safer!

Let’s get to work!

We are learning how to prototype a safe.

Boolean data: true or false

Booleans are another type of logical data that has two possible values:

  • TRUE

Conditionals: Meets or does not meet the condition?

When we create conditionals, we are always testing conditions: if this condition is true (TRUE), then do this, otherwise (FALSE) do something else.

Operatore AND

Furthermore, it’s important to understand how the logical AND operator works.

The result will be true if two or more conditions are true at the same time.

If one of the conditions is false, false result

If all conditions are true, true result

What about the safe? If I don’t press any buttons?

What if I press one of the two buttons?

What if I press both buttons at the same time?


For this activity, we need 3 smartphones.


In the first one, we add the devices WriteDraw to write the state of the alarm, Inclination to detect the tilt of the safe, and AudioPlayer to play the alarm sound.


On the second smartphone, we add the device TouchButton (Martin’s button).


On the third smartphone, we add the device TouchButton (Juan’s button).

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Tip: In Protobject, you can add more components on the same smartphone by pressing the SCAN button as many times as you need.

We are ready to start prototyping!

Composición del código

Click on question circle icon to open comments that explain the code.


Now that you’ve learned how to create a safe with Protobject, let’s talk about cybersecurity!

Are you interested in becoming a programmer in the field of cybersecurity in the future?

What types of methods do you know to counter malicious attacks caused by malevolent actors who want to steal our information?

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Remember the term: cybersecurity

We are ready to continue prototyping!