Learn to code by creating real-world projects with your smartphone

Simple. Easy. Immediate.

Open the browser and start programming.
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Protobject is ready to use. You don’t need to download or install anything.

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QR Code Connection

To connect a smartphone, all you need to do is scan a QR code.



Your smartphone can transform into dozens of components like a sound player, motion detector, tilt sensor, and much more.

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Learning Activities

Start learning through one of the dozens of activities designed for Protobject.

Educational activities

LED Lamp

Program the activation of an LED lamp

Light signals

Create and program a light signal with a timer

Playing “Happy Birthday”

Create a sequence of notes and play a melody

Melody of “Happy Birthday” with lights

Show lights that change color during the playback of a melody

Creating a traffic light

Create a programmable traffic light that automatically changes the lights

Traffic light with flashing yellow light

Discover how to create a traffic light with a flashing yellow light

Contact Us

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